What is contamination in injection molding? Main occurrence factors and measures for each

What is contamination in injection molding? Main occurrence factors and measures for each

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What is Contamination?

Contamination, or "contami" in shorthand, refers to the presence of foreign substances or impurities. This term is used across the manufacturing industry to denote any foreign material incorporated into the manufacturing process.

In the context of injection molding factories, contamination typically refers to:

  • Dust and dirt adhering to the product
  • Carbides mixed into the product

Causes of Contamination

The primary cause of contamination in the injection molding process is the intrusion of dust and other foreign materials.

(i) Injection Molding Process:

From the arrival of plastic raw materials, through processing, to shipment, there are numerous steps involved. It is during these steps that foreign materials can get mixed in.

Injection Molding Flowchart:

  • Raw material arrival
  • Feeding into the raw material tank
  • Transport to the molding machine mini hopper
  • Melting in the machine
  • Filling the mold
  • Removal by the extractor
  • Conveyor transport of the product
  • Visual inspection/additional processing
  • Packaging
  • Warehouse storage
  • Shipping inspection
  • Shipment

(ii) Manufacturing Environment:

The manufacturing environment required in injection molding factories varies depending on the product being made. For example, food trays and medical devices are manufactured in cleanrooms. However, for other products like construction materials or general goods, a basic sheltered environment may suffice. Factories producing a wide variety of products need to change setups frequently, with some machines handling up to five mold changes per day for both prototypes and mass production. Even with line clearance checks at each production run, previous materials can remain and contaminate the next batch.

Types of Contamination and Common Sites of Occurrence

Contamination in injection molding can be broadly divided into two categories:

  1. Contamination mixed into the product
  2. Contamination adhering to the product

Depending on the type of contamination, it's possible to narrow down where in the injection molding process the issue lies.

Cases of Mixed Contamination:

Mixed contamination, generally referred to as "incorporated foreign materials," can occur at any stage from "1. Raw material arrival" to "5. Filling the mold."

Examples of Mixed Contamination:
  • Intrusion during raw material transport (dust and dirt on pellets or crushed materials)
  • Carbide detachment from the heating barrel's screw
  • Dirt from molds, molding machines, or extractors getting mixed in

Cases of Adhering Contamination:

Adhering contamination, commonly known as "adhered foreign materials," can occur at any stage from when the product is removed from the mold to when it is shipped.

Examples of Adhering Contamination:
  • Intrusion during product transport (grease from extractors, dust on conveyor belts)
  • Intrusion during handling (visual inspection, additional processing, shipping inspection)
  • During warehouse storage (deterioration due to long-term storage, box degradation from humidity, rainwater intrusion)

Basic Strategies for Preventing and Addressing Contamination

:As can be inferred from the types of contamination, the essence of preventing and addressing contamination lies in thorough line management. Optimizing each process and rigorously managing the entire line is essential for prevention.

If line management is challenging, focus contamination prevention efforts on areas prone to high occurrence rates.

Considering the multiple processes, frequent setup changes, numerous equipment, and teamwork involved in an injection molding factory, achieving thorough line management may not be straightforward.

In such cases, focusing on common sources of contamination, such as:

  • Incorporated foreign materials from the heating barrel and screw
  • Intrusion within the raw material transport path
  • Dirt from molds, molding machines, or extractors

and organizing operations for incident occurrence can be a way to aim for production improvements.

To accurately detect the occurrence of content

In addition, it is difficult to improve productivity if the basics of contaminationc prevention and countermeasures are thoroughly detected. There are two main points to detect the occurrence of content.

Identity of the cause of contamination

First of all, it is important to examine contaminationc Elephant.

[contaminationc examination method]

Visual Extension mirror If you are a kneaded foreign matter, cut out the event Request component analysis from external specialized organizations  We will hit the causes revealed from the test results and further pursue the cause. If the cause is not identified, it may lead to further defective occurrence, so it is necessary to stop the production line. Let's restart after identifying the cause and completing the treatment. ‍

Share information with each related section as soon as it occurs

If a defect occurs, it is the highest priority to share it with the related sections immediately. Regardless of the specific cause of the cause, you can first share it to prevent defective leaks.

Raw materials that tend to be a problem, molding method, etc.

Even if the molding method and raw materials are different, the basics of contamination measures and prevention do not change, but in specific resin specialty and molding methods, it may be more likely that contamination will occur compared to others.

Transparent raw material

contamination has a bad appearance that can be visually judged to be defective. It is a problem that is often generated with transparent molded products and is a problem. (Transparent raw material, acrylic, PC, etc.)

Pulverte molding method

When using the pulver, many possibilities are lurking, such as the mixture of chilligomi, which is covered by the crushed material, and a mixture of crushed blades. ‍

Molded machine with many replacements, long -term molding products

Molded machines with many replacements and products that are molded for a long time can easily accumulate carbides in the screws in the heat cylinder, and the carbide is peeled off and filled. Decide the prescribed shot in advance, purge it with a purge material, or cleaning and cleaning the screw. ‍ In the process performed as shown in the above example, be aware of contaminationc countermeasures and prevention to improve productivity.


This is a summary of the points that are used for the terms used in the manufacturing industry, especially when considering defective measures and productivity in injection molding factories. The aim is to establish a higher productive molding technology by considering the necessary measures based on the "thorough line management", which is the basis of contaminationc prevention and countermeasures. Let's do it.
